WholeheARTed Creativity.


CANOES ---- (bwcaw) ----- done.

CARA's COW ---- signed and finished.


(1)  Director of the Central Mn Arts Board observed Dodie/me in my studio last Monday. :) :) Exciting.**
(2)  Dodie & I went gallery-hopping in Mpls.  Visited Circa, Walker, & Groveland.  Saw two group shows -- therefore, multiple artists.  All around eye-opening.  Thanks Dodie!!
(3)  With vball** & coffee shop -- studio time was minimal last week. I did a lot of journaling, clipping articles, taking pictures, jotting down everything that hit me as interesting or demands my attention.  'Behind the scenes work.' 
(4) Close to finishing 5 paintings.  My goal is two (cow & canoes) today.****
(5)  Artist Addie created a masterpiece the other day.  I keep a miniature painting shirt out there -- "cuz we're both artists, right Em!?"  :)

I'm realizing daily, just how lucky I am to be able to try this 'artist' thing. According to philosopher Nietsche, "The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude." :)So, I should be set.****  THanks all.

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