WholeheARTed Creativity.


Started these yesterday...


New focus of my work: 
1. Odd Dimensions
2. Play w/Patterns
3. Precise Color Palette


In the past two days I have been to:
Franklin Art Works, the Mpls. Iinstitute of Arts MEAP Gallery, the Soap Factory, and just got home from installation at the Katherine Nash Gallery (my internship). 

Lots of wonderful art.***


Speaker tonight at the U -  Prof. Berding, head of grad department, Michigan State. I really loved how he talked about work ethic, motivation, and mind-sets in art.  One thing I jotted down, and then circled ridiculously:

Immediately I thought about the Winstock piece. 

I worked on it yesterday, but the last time was perhaps October?!  His words helped me pinpoint why:  The painting seems creatively ---- 'done.'  Absolutely NOT-OPEN.  At all.  Work is left, not artistic input.  Just makes so much sense to me now. 

Another point: OBSERVATION VS. INVENTION.  I know I can recreate -- but what else?!?  My painting prof (Val) & I decided -- I am going to loosen up a bit.  Be bold, & innovative.  Dig in to my curiosities (patterns/dimension) -- make them my passions.  !!

Okay-- one last thing from the talk.  (I took 3 pages of doodley notes, I liked this guy.)  His advice:  ---- Find a word.  Some word that just resonnates & pulls you back in focus.  Find a word that sets your goals in line.  Post it in your studio.   :)Love that.  BYe.


Doug Kugler Eco-Site. 

Mr. Kugler was one of those stand-out teachers.  He started an Ecology Club in Watertown, brought students to Boundary Waters every summer, & just rocked at life. 

Mr. K's favorite spot up in the BWCAW was Curtain Falls.  I had painted the falls from his wife's photo - so it just seemed fitting that his Memorial Recycling Center has one. 

Dropped off the painting & toured the center this morning.  Absolutely amazing.  It's fun -- to contribute a little to his family & this great, great facility.******* 
Pump House #4 -- more play w/dimension.


Pump House #3.

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