WholeheARTed Creativity.



Our professor had us quickly sketch a rocking horse.

Afterwards, he gave a demonstration on how to exaggerate lines & define separation of planes. Obviously, one would round these in a final version -- but its amazing how much more depth & appeal are in the second one - even though its a simple line study.  :)


Finished the streetfront of Shepherd Hotel in Bethlehem, Israel.  Vegas-type feel, yet the origin of multiple religions.. So odd -- and great. 

So, it was Midterms last week.  My painting class hung our pieces in the Regis Art Center, before critiquing.  Here is a glimpse of the work:

My paitings are below.  There are models every class session - so I've been painting a lot off the figure.  Completely different than my subject matter, but I'm really enjoying the forms & freedom.
Lastly, I am officially a BFA student. Heck yeah. :) Applications & portfolios were due in early March, and I found out a few days ago.  That news -- just makes me happy.  I now get studio space at the U, an advisor, & get to be part of a great community of art.  Pure inspiration.


"I travel a lot. I hate having life disrupted by routine." C.Stinnett
**** Oklahoma on Saturday.  My little brother is studying there for the semester.  We are going to hop in his truck and drive around for a week.
**** May/June.  My cousin and I will be in Njombe, Tanzania - volunteering at an orphange. 
**** July/August.  Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany -- I have an internship at the Kunstverein - Art Gallery.
The actual travel is only a portion of the excitement.  I can't wait to see where these places take me -- my creativity.  I leave one person, and come back a wiser, truer version of that self.  More broke, of course.  But that never seems to bother me.  :)EM

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