WholeheARTed Creativity.


Books & Cookies -- Speaking about my illustrations on March 9th.

We read through Talking is Hard for Me and then I took the kids and made little books -- while Linda spoke with the adults about strategies to work with children with speech difficulties.  It was a great turn-out.  Lots of fun.


We got published!!

My aunt Linda and I have been in conversation about this book for a few years now.  She is a Speech Pathologist and wanted to write a book to help families and friends of kids that have difficulty learning to talk.

So the book reads like a children's story --- but offers tid-bits and guidance to parents, family members and educators.

I just finished my portion this past week -- and here are a sneak peek at some illustrations.  The book will hopefully be available this fall.  Linda and I will be presenters at a March 9th Book Event [more details to come] --- but here is a sneak peek:

Speaking Opportunity at the U of MN & WALKER ART CENTER!

To say I am excited.... would be a terrible understatement.  :)

I was nominated, then went through an interview process --- and am please to say that I will be the 'Painting Practitioner' for the Art School Lecture Series on 'Painter Painter' --- the Walker's new painting show.  The Art School Series is co-hosted by the Walker Art Center and the University of Minnesota, which is meant to help inform members and the public -- looking to get a more thorough understanding of the medium and where its at today. 

I will be speaking about my painting practice -- along with Lauren DeLand, an art historian from the U of MN.

Our Bios and more information about the show and March 17th Walker Lecture found here:

I attended the opening panel discussion in early February and the tour guide training sessions as well.  It is a great show.  And I am honored to be even a small part of it. Exciting!!  Cheers. --E

Ms. Lynch ----- Art Teacher!

I now teach K-12 Art in Winsted.  We have a lot of exciting things coming up:
--- Students work was featured at the Art Council's Member Drive Music Night
--- We are starting a mural at St. Mary's Nursing Home
--- The Elementary K-3 artwork will be featured at a Book/Cookie event on March 9th
--- My photo class is having a show at RoadHouse Coffee Shop, opening night March 12th
--- We are taking a Fine Arts trip to Nashville March 22-26th
--- And have been starting the planning for an Area-Community Art Gala Night in May, where we show student work along with area artists. 

So many fun things.  What a great gig!  :)EM

Friday, October 26th, 2012------ I was the 'Featured Artist' at Art Consultant Jeannie Hintz's Art event.  There was wine, food, paintings galore --- and we had over a eighty-some guests.  Great, great night!  Photos to come.

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