I love this shot. Yes, I realize it's rather creepy taking a picture of people in front of your own work --- but I was honored. And super super curious...
I couldn't help it: What were they thinking?! How did my work hit them?! Gosh, if it were at all socially acceptable -- I would have totally interviewed each person -- asking the above.*** :)
Dodie loaned me a book a few weeks back -- Lucian Freud. He painted very intimate figures -- & is fantastic. One of his quotes really hit me: "The painter makes real to others his innermost feelings about all that he cares for. A secret becomes known to everyone who views the picture through the intensity with which it is felt." --Lucian Freud

As Lucian said ----my paintings are my way of truly showing others how I think & relate to my world. It was glorious to see others engaged in them ---- & I cant help but wonder what the heck they think!!
The night was great. CMAB hosted & catered the event. Lots of fun, artsy talk & people. Thanks Anna (sister), Ryan (bro in law), Dustin (friend), Niko & Joe (former HT students) for coming. Truly meant a lot.******